Tuesday, July 15, 2008

7/14/08 Dorset/Pico hike

Name of mountain(s): 3770’Dorset/3957’Pico

Name of trail(s): Unsigned, unblazed. Sherburne Pass.
Hike date(s): 7/14/08 Weather and trail conditions: Overcast, sunny, overcast.
Total miles hiked: 12.6 Trip report: It rained all night. I didn’t get much sleep, if any.
Around 1:30am, I started packing up Base Camp. I took my time and I was back to the truck by 3am. I tried to sleep but that didn’t happen.
At 3:45am, I ate a Trail Mix bar and Ibuprofen and was on my way to Dorset, Vermont.
I found it with no problems.
I was able to go up the road further with my truck.
I parked in a clearing on the right around 4:30am.
I dropped the tailgate of my truck and cooked breakfast. I cleaned up, geared up, and was on the trail by 5:30am.
The trail starts out as a gravel road, then turns into a grass road. Soon I was in the woods.
I crossed a small stream then the trail was eroded. The trail looked more like a dried up stream.
Soon I passed a cabin on the left and the trail got steep.
After a long, slippery ascent, the trail leveled off with ferns on both sides.
I reached a T in the trail and took a right.
This is where my memory slips.
Heading up the trail, I took a right at either the first cairn or the second cairn.
Anyway, the right hand turn I took was an overgrown, steep, slippery trail up to South Dorset.
After reaching the summit, I headed back down to the (snowmobile) trail.
Here at the junction, there was a sign to N. Dorset, and also a new pile of moose dropping. There was also a doorknob on the tree where the sign was (?).
The 3/10ths hike over to North Dorset was easy. The only problem was avoiding the moose dropping piles and big mud puddles.
I saw the summit canister and I knew I made it.
I took a short break and headed down.
The hike back was a bit slippery but went fast.
Once back to the truck, I headed over to Killington.
I parked at the Sherburne Pass trailhead.
I geared up and was off.
Once on the trail (this trail is the old Appalachian/Long Trail) my legs started to hurt.
The trail was easy going all the way to the Pico Junction where the Pico camp is.
From here it is 4/10ths to the summit, and it was a tough one for my sore legs.
I eventually got to the building covered summit.
I was cloudy and I could only see parts of Killington, and maybe Mendon off in the distance.
I took a couple handfuls of GORP and headed down.
The descent went fast.
I got back to my truck and the sun was out.
I took a short break and headed back home, which took me over 3 hours.
The original plan was to bag 6 Hundred Highest peaks in 5 days but after hiking Stratton, Equinox, and Dorset, I decided to finish my journey on Pico.
Originally, I was going to head over to hike Breadloaf Mtn. and Mt. Wilson after hiking Dorset but I wasn’t up to the 15.6 mile round trip. Maybe next time.

67 of 100

To check out the photos from this hike, go to:

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