Sunday, September 28, 2008

9/12/08 Isles of Shoals

Jenifer and I went out to the Isles of Shoals for the day.
We got on the boat at 7am and rode into the sunrise to the Isles.
We went out to letterbox and we got most of them on Star Island.
Then we took a row boat over to Smuttynose and got one more letterboxes.
After returning to Star, we explored the island.
Then we shared our first Lime Rickey and it was great.
We relaxed on the porch of the Oceanic Hotel while waiting for the boat.
From the porch, I could see Mt. Agamenticus and Monadnock.
The boat ride back was fun.
It was an excellent day out at the Isles of Shoals.

KTC ride 9/5/08

On Sunday morning, I did my usual ride to Kittery Traffic Circle.
When I went by the Vivian Hussey school, I noticed a bike sign with an arrow pointing in the opposite direction. Also there were many Poland Spring water bottles near the sign. (?)
I had no problems making it to KTC but on the way back, I experienced a head wind.
When I got back onto Rt. 4, I noticed Pumpkinman Triathlon Festival flags on the light poles.
When I got close to the junction with the Agamenicus Rd., I saw a police car with its lights flashing. Then I saw someone with an orange flag directing bike riders.
I stopped and asked the policemen what was going on. They told me it was the Pumpkinman Triathlon. When I left them, I joined a rider.
We chatted a bit and then we turned onto Blackberry Hill Rd.
While riding, I passed him. I looked back before taking a left on B H Rd. and he was way behind me.
I continued awhile and I saw another bike rider and I caught up to him. We talked a bit and then in front of the Hussey school, there were people giving away water, banana's, and sports gel.
I grabbed a sports gel and took a right onto Berwick Rd.
I was still riding with another bike rider but he took a right where I went straight to go home.
At that junction, there was a man flagging traffic. I stopped and asked him if he had any info on the triathlon. He said no.
I tried to clip into my pedal while going uphill and I fell down. On the uphill, I couldn't get started so I had to walk my bike up the hill.
Once at the top, I was able to get back on my bike for the short trip back home.
It was an excellent ride and I got psyched riding with others.
Next year I must compete.
Check out the pictures at:

Monday, September 1, 2008

Bike Ride to Wells Maine

Early this morning I took a bike ride to Wells Maine. Several days ago I drove the route to see how far it was. I also checked out the route to see if it was safe to ride.
This ride is a good workout. It has many long inclines and descents.
When I got to the Wells Maine sign, I took a break.
By the sign, there were several wild blueberries, and of course, I ate them.
This was a 20 mile round trip and it was fun.
For the two picture slide show, go to: