Wednesday, May 5, 2010

P1 Sprints bike workout

After my morning nap, I did a P1 Sprints bike workout. Warmed-up, then 6x30 sprints in big gears. I stood for the first 10 seconds while increasing cadence to 90-100, then kept cadence for 20 seconds while seated.
When I was heading back on Blackberry Hill Rd., I saw a mother and a son up the road. I looked behind me to see if a car was coming and there was, but when I started to look ahead, I drove onto the shoulder. I stopped pedaling and held on for the ride. As soon as the car passed, I got back on the road. Phew!
It was a great workout, minus the headwinds.

11 miles
18.2 average mph
35 max mph

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