Jenifer and myself got to the basin by 10am. I took my bike out of the truck (and I didn't do a warm-up ride or stretch) and got ready to go.
The 25 mile bike course starts off easy but becomes hilly. The roads are pretty messed up from last winter.
During the bike ride, I saw Jenifer a few times. She drove ahead of me and took some pictures.
While I was heading to T2, I saw Jenifer in the distance.
T2 for Aggieman is a person waiting for you to grab your bike and helmet, and they also set up for the 3 mile run up Mt. Agamenticus.
She was taking a picture so I had to set my bike down and put my run shoes on.
The first mile of the run is on a dirt road. I was pretty sore and I was running a recovery run before I hit the trails.
I took a right of the dirt road onto the Cedar Brook tr. It's flat until I got to the Goosefoot tr.
The run started to get steep. Then I had a lot of boulder hoping to do. As I got farther up the Goosefoot, I had to walk a few times.
A left onto the Ring tr. and I was almost there.
Shortly I was on Witchhazel trail for the last .2 miles to the summit (finish).
I planned on running the whole way but my legs had somthing to say about it.
I ran the last section and crossed where the finish line will be in a few weeks.
I did the bike in 1:23.41 and the run in 26.26.
It was a great workout!
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