This morning it was 30 degrees, perfect jogging weather.
I deciced to do a 3 mile jog.
I was warmed up and on the road by 6am.
Working on cadence for jogging, I got into a good pace and was able to keep it. Heading up the hill towards the turnaround area (pictured) I had a tailwind helping me out. When I turned around at the farmhouse, there was a headwind that slowed me down a bit, and cooled me off.
Towards the end of the jog, I sprinted a bit on the road and up my driveway that's a hill. There's a big crack across the driveway by the house and I use this for a start/finish line.
After lunch, I did a 3 mile cadence bike ride. I rode my Allez to the same farmhouse that is 1.5 miles from my house.
Leaving my driveway, it's downhill. Then when a take a left onto the road, I go up a small hill and then go down a long hill, where I go 34 mph.
When I started to pedal halfway down the hill, gaining speed, a car in front of me slowed down and I had to slow down.
Soon I took a left onto Blackberry Hill Rd. This section to the farmhouse (turnaround) is flat to start, goes downhill, then a long subte hill going up to the farmhouse.
Heading back, there are many holes in the road that makes riding tough.
When I turn back onto Berwick Rd., It's a very long subtle uphill, then the last section before my driveway is uphill, then a downhill to my driveway.
I sprinted up my driveway.
I plan on doing this ride on Saturdays and Sundays to work on my cadence.
As it gets warmer, I will be going on longer bike rides. Also I'll start working on jogging after I ride bike and practicing transitions, getting ready for the 2010 Pumpkinman Triathlon.