On Sunday morning, I did my usual ride to Kittery Traffic Circle.
When I went by the Vivian Hussey school, I noticed a bike sign with an arrow pointing in the opposite direction. Also there were many Poland Spring water bottles near the sign. (?)
I had no problems making it to KTC but on the way back, I experienced a head wind.
When I got back onto Rt. 4, I noticed Pumpkinman Triathlon Festival flags on the light poles.
When I got close to the junction with the Agamenicus Rd., I saw a police car with its lights flashing. Then I saw someone with an orange flag directing bike riders.
I stopped and asked the policemen what was going on. They told me it was the Pumpkinman Triathlon. When I left them, I joined a rider.
We chatted a bit and then we turned onto Blackberry Hill Rd.
While riding, I passed him. I looked back before taking a left on B H Rd. and he was way behind me.
I continued awhile and I saw another bike rider and I caught up to him. We talked a bit and then in front of the Hussey school, there were people giving away water, banana's, and sports gel.
I grabbed a sports gel and took a right onto Berwick Rd.
I was still riding with another bike rider but he took a right where I went straight to go home.
At that junction, there was a man flagging traffic. I stopped and asked him if he had any info on the triathlon. He said no.
I tried to clip into my pedal while going uphill and I fell down. On the uphill, I couldn't get started so I had to walk my bike up the hill.
Once at the top, I was able to get back on my bike for the short trip back home.
It was an excellent ride and I got psyched riding with others.
Next year I must compete.
Check out the pictures at: